Some people tell their kids about Santa, some don’t have a preference either way, others don’t want anything to do with Santa.
I don’t believe in Santa Claus, at least not the commercialized one. I don’t want to tell my kids if they are good all year “Santa” will bring them whatever toy they happen to want at the time. I see a few flaws in this.
- “If they are good all year” I want my kids to be good because it’s the right thing to do rather than to get a prize at the end of the year. Does this teach kids they have to just be good enough to get the present? Who’s standard is “good” enough?
- “Santa will bring” Santa doesn’t pay for the presents. Mom, Dad, grandparents, friends and family pay for the presents. We work hard for the money we have so we don’t want our kids to think money just grows on trees. What if the parents are having a rough financial time and can’t let “Santa” bring the kids gifts they have been so good all year long to get? How do you explain the difference to the kids?
- How does Santa get the presents in your house? I had a friend of mine tell me they were scared to death that some stranger “Santa” was going to break in their house while everyone was sleeping. The little girl didn’t like the idea of Santa at all because it messed with her sense of security in her home.
- “whatever toy they may want” We don’t give our kids the most expensive toy so how is “Santa” going to be able to bring them this really expensive newest toy out there? There has to be a certain limit on it.
- How is this showing our kids the true meaning of Christmas? We want our kids to know it’s not about us getting presents because we aren’t celebrating our birthday but the birth of Jesus.
- Lying. We don’t tell our kids about any fictional character who may give them things. No Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and so on. If we lie to them now and tell them about these times someone (who doesn’t exist) gives them gifts, what will they think when they find out the truth? How would we be able to differentiate between these characters and Jesus. It just seems like it would make things that much more difficult to understand.
Now I do believe there was a Saint Nicholas who did help people and didn’t want them to know who helped them. That’s all fine and good. Tell your kids about him and let them show the same kindness to others. If you need to call it something you can use Santa in that sense. That seems like a better way to use Santa rather than giving your child a false sense of what Christmas is all about.
This is my opinion and how my husband and I choose to raise our kids. We don’t expect everyone to feel the same way we do and that’s fine. However, don’t get mad at us when your kid finds out there is no Santa and are heart broken over something that could’ve been avoided. Not saying we will go yelling from the mountain top to all kids that Santa isn’t real, but I don’t expect anyone to try to convince my kids he’s real either.
What’s your take on Santa? Do you celebrate with him? If not, how do you celebrate?